
The music ministry of First Baptist Church works collaboratively with the pastor to enhance the worship experience for the church body. The music ministry uses music to serve God and encourage fellowship. The Chancel Choir enthusiastically offers praise and worship to God through a variety of styles. Seasonal cantata presentations are anticipated with opportunities for solo performances. There are also many opportunities for solos and duets for both vocalist and instrumentalist throughout the year.Sunday morning worship is further enhanced from time to time during the school year with choral performances from our First Christian School students. Whatever your sacred music preference, it can be found at First Baptist Church. Anyone interested in joining the choir please come. We meet in the choir room upstairs on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. Summer choir rehearsals are second Thursday nights. Anyone interested in performing, let us know by contacting the pastor, church office or a member of the music committee.

Ladies Night Out
The first Friday night of each month, September through May, our ladies age 18 and up get together for a time of fellowship. We also have a few special day trips scheduled throughout the year. This is an opportunity for moms to have a night off and for grandmothers to have a night out. It allows us the chance to get to know each other more intimately and friendships to develop across the generations. We talk, we eat, we learn, and most often we laugh!

Youth Ministries
Youth ministry:
Middle and high school students enjoy fun and fellowship in various activities meant to bring them not only closer to God, but closer as a group:
- Youth Sunday – Our youth oversee worship service, including contemporary music and message
- DNOW – In conjunction with other local churches, we participate in the Disciples Now ministry. From Friday night through noon on Sunday, youth spend time in fellowship with each other, service to others, and great mentoring from their group leaders.
- Impact mission trips – Youth, along with group leaders, travel to a different town each summer to help those in need with various house projects, including roof repairs, building handicap ramps, and other general home needs.
- Yard sales and car washes (fundraisers) – Our youth are expected to help in the fundraising efforts to help with the costs of the mission trips. Teaching them responsibility early is key in their growth as young adults.