Many look forward to the ending of the winter season and to the beginning of the spring season.
I am such a one. I acknowledge that God makes all seasons for His purposes and therefore
I appreciate every season. However, Spring is the season of new growth. We see the beautiful
colors of God’s creation of plant life and birds in more abundance.
In the Christian life, there are also seasons and varying levels of growth and fruit. We all are at
different phases in our lives. This is to be expected without frustration or judgment. Some
believers in Jesus are like babies in Christ, some like children, some like young men and women,
and some are mature in Christ (1 John 2:12-14). All who have trusted in Jesus – His death and
resurrection for forgiveness of sin and eternal life – are in Christ. All are headed to the same place
by the grace of God. All are to grow and bear fruit.
In any given local church this should be recognized and embraced as the case. Some are very young
in the faith, and some are very mature in the faith and yet others are somewhere in between.
Regardless of where we are in our level of growth and maturity we should still strive for growth.
Spiritual growth requires God’s Spirit to work within us. God’s Word, the Bible, is an integral part
of our growth. It is from His Word that we discover Who He is, how we come to personally know
Him, who we are in Christ and how we are to think, speak and live. Our ultimate model is our
Lord Jesus Christ, our motive is love for Him and for others, and our goal is to glorify God in
everything, even the everyday mundane activities of life (1 Corinthians 10:31).
In our fellowship it is important for there to be teaching which will help the young in the faith
while also providing teaching which will strengthen and stretch the more mature in the faith. All
need to be encouraged to stretch and grow in desire for, attention to, understanding of, and
obedience to God’s Word. The most important goal must be the spiritual growth of all the saints.
Some need milk while some need more advanced spiritual nutrition from the Bible, God’s Word.
A younger person can be more mature in the faith than an older person who has been in the church
for years, since age does not necessarily reflect the spiritual growth or maturity of a believer. His
or her hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5: 6) and delight in God’s Word (Psalm 1:2)
are what lead to greater spiritual growth and maturity.
As we approach springtime, let’s mark it as a reminder that we all need to “ . . . grow in the grace
and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18a) This will be for our own good,
for the good of others, and for the glory of God. “To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18b)
Grace and peace,
Pastor Steve