May has left us and June is here. June is a wonderful month. If not already, school will be out until the Fall. Families will be starting their Summer vacations. June is definitely an exciting month. It is also a month that we sometimes put aside our habits of faith. We need to continue along with our Christian journey and understand God is still present in our lives while we are on our Summer break. In other words, we need to keep the faith.
Of course one of the best ways, if you are still in town, is to continue to attend worship every Sunday morning. When company comes to visit, bring them to worship. June worship going into July will be special. On June 25th we will celebrate our graduates with “Senior Sunday.” This is always a special day in the church when several of our graduates will lead and participate in the worship service. Sunday, July 9th, will be “Day at the Lake.” A Day at the Lake has always been a special worship event where not only First Baptist Members attend, but also some of the folks that are camping at the lake.
Talk about God while on vacation. Some will travel to different parts of the country with some of the most beautiful scenery one could imagine. Speak to one another of God’s creation. Speak of the gift of God’s beautiful sun rises and sunsets. Speak of the colorful landscapes you may see in your travels. Speak of the love that God has for all His children. Continue to speak to you children about God. Remember Deuteronomy 11:19, “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.”
Take time to read your Bible daily. Read one chapter per day. Below are the books from the New Testament with the number of chapters in each book. Choose a combination of books to add up to one chapter per day per month.
Matthew – 28 Mark – 16 Luke – 24 John – 21
Acts – 28 Romans – 16 1 Corinthians – 16 2 Corinthians – 13
Galatians – 6 Ephesians – 6 Philippians 4 Colossians – 4
1 Thessalonians – 5 2 Thessalonians – 3 1 Timothy – 6 2 Timothy –
Titus – 3 Philemon – 1 Hebrews – 13 James – 5
1 Peter – 5 2 Peter – 3 1 John – 5 2 John – 1
3 John – 1 Jude – 1 Revelation – 22
Whatever you do, do in the name of the Lord. I would like to offer this prayer to all that may be traveling:
Dear Heavenly Father, please protect those that will be taking special journeys over the next weeks and months. Support them with you strength and grace if they become tired and weary. Help them to be mindful of Your presence and love in times of stress. Guide them to make their time together meaningful and memorable. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Yours in the name of Christ,
Rev. John Carey