Foundations of Faith Blog

March Communicator

The month of March is the last month of the first quarter of the year.  It is considered the windy month when many will put together kites and see how high and how long they can fly.  Though we have seen so far this year higher than normal temperatures, March usually brings in Springtime weather. In fact, the first day of spring is March 20th. In our part of the country we start seeing daffodils...

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February Communicator

February is now upon us.  Many people look at the month of February as a month with not much to do and absent of Christian holidays on the calendar. But that is not true.  February has several holidays that appear to be secular, but have Christian origins. February is a month where looking outside we see some blue skies, but most is gray.  No flowers blooming, no leaves on the trees, and we look...

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January 2023 Communicator

IN THE INTERIM I would first like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.  I know there have been challenges over the past twelve months.  However, challenges that are addressed often build stronger groups.  I believe that is the result we have seen.  Since being called, I have witness a stronger congregation that is eager to be closer to our Lord and each other.  To see a congregation...

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December 2022 Communicator

IN THE INTERIM Since Labor Day, the stores have been preparing for the Christmas Season.  On September 27th Patty and I walked into the Lowe’s in Farmville to find all the Christmas decorations on full display.  We also took advantage of the lighted displays and took our annual Christmas picture, sending copies to our family. We are now also seeing, if not already, all the Christmas specials and...

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November 2022 Communicator

IN THE INTERIM November is a wonderful time of year. It is a month that we see the peak of colors with the leaves turning, just before the task of raking them all up.  It is a month when many go out and perform their civic duty of voting for a candidate of their choice.  And most of all, it is a month that has a day set aside to give thanks to the Lord our God for all He has done for us.  A time...

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October 2022 Communicator

IN THE INTERIM Another month has come and gone.  Lemonade on the patio has now been replaced with pumpkin spice EVERYTHING.  Hoards of people will flock to Starbucks to enjoy a pumpkin spiced latte.  I must say that I have never had a pumpkin spice latte.  I am saving that for a later time.  However, I did treat myself to a pack of pumpkin spice cream wafers.  Not bad, but I would not recommend...

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September 2022 Communicator

In The Interim It is still sometimes hard for me to comprehend how fast time seems to move.  I remember visiting my grandmother when she was around ninety years old.  At that time she was for the most part bed ridden.  At some point during our conversation, she looked up at me and said, “The first eighty years of my life went by really fast.  This second eighty is going by faster.” Grandmother...

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August 2022 Communicator

In The Interim As most have heard, the Deacons have called me to serve as your interim pastor.  Let me state that I am honored and plan to serve the membership of First Baptist Church of South Hill until the time a permanent pastor.  In addition, I look forward to meeting and talking with each one of you.  Over the next several months, we will worship the Lord our God with reverence and...

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July 2022 Communicator

I would like to state that it has been a privilege and pleasure to worship with the folks at First Baptist Church of South Hill and to deliver the morning message.  Though only being with you for two Sundays thus far, I feel that I have known many of you for a longer period of time.  I case you are wondering, that is a compliment.  The good part is that we will have the time to get to know one...

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