♫ Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One; give thanks, because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son. Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One; give thanks, because he’s given Jesus Christ, his Son. And now let the weak say ‘I am strong’, let the poor say ‘I am rich’, because of what the Lord has done for us; and now let the weak say ‘I am strong’, let the poor say ‘I am rich’, because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks…♫ These are words from the song “Give Thanks” which is Hymn No. 576 in our Hymnal. It is all about giving thanks to the Lord our God for sending his only Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  The hymn speaks of how because of Christ and what He has done for all of us, we should give thanks for all things and in all circumstances. 1st Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. We are now in the month of November.  November is the month we think about giving thanks for all things.  It is a time when we begin the “holiday season” with Thanksgiving (and of course we begin to prepare for the Season of Advent and Christmas).  It is a time when we set...

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