Along the Way I would like to begin by thanking the complete fellowship for the confidence you have in me by the unanimous vote to call me as you pastor.  As we continue on the road of our daily living, I look forward to working with each of you over the coming years.  Please know that my door is always open should you like to visit. August will prove to be a busy month.  On the first Sunday, August 6th, we will observe the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper.  All baptized believers are invited to take of the bread and the cup.  The Lord’s Supper is special in that we it symbolizes what Jesus did for all peoples by the breaking of His body and the spilling of His blood. For that reason, we should always prepare ourselves in a spiritual way.  On Saturday, August 12th, there will be a luncheon titled Women of Faith.  This luncheon is sponsored by the women of First Baptist Church.  There will be a time of prayer, song, a guest speaker, and a light lunch.  If you have not registered, you may speak with Patti or Virginia.  Sunday, August 20th immediately following worship there will be a called business meeting to elect members to various church committees.  And of course we cannot...

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