October 2022 Communicator

IN THE INTERIM Another month has come and gone.  Lemonade on the patio has now been replaced with pumpkin spice EVERYTHING.  Hoards of people will flock to Starbucks to enjoy a pumpkin spiced latte.  I must say that I have never had a pumpkin spice latte.  I am saving...

September 2022 Communicator

In The Interim It is still sometimes hard for me to comprehend how fast time seems to move.  I remember visiting my grandmother when she was around ninety years old.  At that time she was for the most part bed ridden.  At some point during our conversation, she looked...

August 2022 Communicator

In The Interim As most have heard, the Deacons have called me to serve as your interim pastor.  Let me state that I am honored and plan to serve the membership of First Baptist Church of South Hill until the time a permanent pastor.  In addition, I look forward to...

July 2022 Communicator

I would like to state that it has been a privilege and pleasure to worship with the folks at First Baptist Church of South Hill and to deliver the morning message.  Though only being with you for two Sundays thus far, I feel that I have known many of you for a longer...